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Unlike other companies that test as little as 6 genetic markers which can result in 1 in every 100 tests giving an INCORRECT result, our laboratory analyzes at least 18 markers reducing the chance of an error to as low as 1 in several BILLION.

Nimble Diagnostics is the trusted name for DNA relationship testing. All testing is performed in laboratories fully accredited by the AABB, ISO 17025, and NATA. All results are guaranteed.

If there is a test or service which you would like performed but is not listed below, please contact us.

DNA Relationship Test

A simple, painless mouth swab is all that is required for a DNA relationship test which will determine if two or more people are biologically related.

Two invididuals and either individual's biological parent are included in the base price, but additional options may be selected as required. Including a biological parent is optional, but can increase the accuracy of testing.

Full Siblingship DNA Test (to determine whether two individuals
.............................................................................................................................share both parents)£299
.............................................................................................................................          Additional siblingAdd £100

Half Siblingship DNA Test (to determine whether two individuals
.............................................................................................................................share one parent)£299
.............................................................................................................................          Additional siblingAdd £100

Duo Grandparentage DNA Test (to determine whether an individual
.............................................................................................................................is biologically related to both alleged grandparents)£249
.............................................................................................................................          Additional grandchildAdd £50

Single Grandparentage DNA Test (to determine whether an individual
.............................................................................................................................is biologically related to one alleged grandparent)£299
.............................................................................................................................          Additional grandchildAdd £100

Aunt/uncle (avuncular) DNA Test (to determine whether an individual
.............................................................................................................................is biologically related to an alleged aunt/uncle)£249
.............................................................................................................................          Additional neice/nephewAdd £50

1st Cousin DNA Test (to determine whether two individuals are
.............................................................................................................................biological first cousins)£349
.............................................................................................................................          Additional cousinAdd £100

Y-chromosomal (Paternal) DNA Test (to determine whether two
.............................................................................................................................males are paternally related)£349
.............................................................................................................................          Additional relativeAdd £50

Mitochondrial (Maternal) DNA Test (to determine whether two
.............................................................................................................................females are maternally related)£349
.............................................................................................................................          Additional relativeAdd £50


Enter Shipping Details

Step 1: Customer name.  This is the person to whom the test kit will be shipped.

 First name       Last/family name


Step 2: Shipping address.  This is the address to which the test kit (and results if requested) will be shipped.

 Street Address
 Post/zip code


Step 3: Results delivery.  Select whether you would like the results sent by email (instant delivery) or by regular mail (delivery time 1-3 working days).

Regular Mail


Step 4: Additional comments (optional). For example the address to which you would like a second test kit sent if the participants of a test do not live at the same address, or any other requests or comments.


Step 5: Email address. This is the address to which the order confirmation, further correspondence, and results (if requested) will be sent.


Step 6: Save data and continue to payment page.



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